Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Healing Power Of Touch

The Healing Power Of Touch

When I was  two months old, we went to the province. The trip was long and cold. When we got there, many people were talking in front of me, I cannot understand what they were saying. It came to the point that I was scared because everyone of them wanted to hold me. Also, the weather was different, it was cold up in the mountains, again, I was scared. It always calms me when dad or mom touches me.
Now that I'm a little older at nine months, every time I am not feeling well or sick or sleepy, mom and dad's touch is my number one medicine. I feel stronger, happier and fine when they touch me. I hope all babies out there will also enjoy the good feeling of loving touch.

Of all of the senses, touch is the very first one to develop.  As babies, it was through touch that we made sense of the world.  Study after study has shown that touch is important to a baby’s development but it is also crucial to its survival.

Touch is not only a biological need but touch is also a communication tool at a very basic level.  Not only can touch communicate more love in 5 seconds than words can in 5 minutes, it can also communicate more hate and anger.  However, for the purpose of this newsletter, I want to focus on the incredible healing power of touch; on loving touch; on safe touch.
Infants deprived of touch, even when they are getting adequate nutrition, will fail to grow properly.  As children grow, their need for touch just doesn’t disappear; it remains constant and strong.  Touch deprivation in adolescence usually leads to early and inappropriate sexual activity.  Even senior citizens that have become isolated by a loss of their partner and/or friends become depressed not only because of their loss of social interaction, but because of the loss of loving touch from another.

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